

Limited Edition Henley on Thames! The illustrated map has all our favourite places… St Mary’s, The Angel, The Coppa Club, Leander Club, Hart Street, Bell Street, Phyllis Court Club, Temple Island AND a few boats, pimms, champagne, blazers and a few overheard sayings.. for good measure.

My printers use their specialist large format Canon Giclee printers with the finest archival inks to print onto 330gsm 100% cotton watercolour papers made by St Cuthbert’s Mill in Somerset. It is the same as their watercolour paper that I use for originals but the surface has been treated to make it work perfectly with the archival professional inks.

Each print is hand signed and number 1/250, it is then mounted using our cotswold mounts and then framed 16x12 inches.

The end result is a print that looks exactly like the original painting. Even I can’t tell the difference!

All prints come framed and ready to hang.

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Limited Edition Henley on Thames! The illustrated map has all our favourite places… St Mary’s, The Angel, The Coppa Club, Leander Club, Hart Street, Bell Street, Phyllis Court Club, Temple Island AND a few boats, pimms, champagne, blazers and a few overheard sayings.. for good measure.

My printers use their specialist large format Canon Giclee printers with the finest archival inks to print onto 330gsm 100% cotton watercolour papers made by St Cuthbert’s Mill in Somerset. It is the same as their watercolour paper that I use for originals but the surface has been treated to make it work perfectly with the archival professional inks.

Each print is hand signed and number 1/250, it is then mounted using our cotswold mounts and then framed 16x12 inches.

The end result is a print that looks exactly like the original painting. Even I can’t tell the difference!

All prints come framed and ready to hang.

Limited Edition Henley on Thames! The illustrated map has all our favourite places… St Mary’s, The Angel, The Coppa Club, Leander Club, Hart Street, Bell Street, Phyllis Court Club, Temple Island AND a few boats, pimms, champagne, blazers and a few overheard sayings.. for good measure.

My printers use their specialist large format Canon Giclee printers with the finest archival inks to print onto 330gsm 100% cotton watercolour papers made by St Cuthbert’s Mill in Somerset. It is the same as their watercolour paper that I use for originals but the surface has been treated to make it work perfectly with the archival professional inks.

Each print is hand signed and number 1/250, it is then mounted using our cotswold mounts and then framed 16x12 inches.

The end result is a print that looks exactly like the original painting. Even I can’t tell the difference!

All prints come framed and ready to hang.

All prints come framed and ready to hang…


"Perfect with the regatta! ”

Martha M


"Love it, Love Henley, perfect frame as well !”

Wilfred G

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